Louisiana ARES returns to normal in a diocese affected by the storm

2021-11-25 12:06:27 By : Ms. Skye H

James Coleman of AI5B, the emergency coordinator of the Louisiana ARES department, said this week that his department’s Amateur Radio Emergency Services® (ARES®) team “should be in a normal state now, and the condition of the affected diocese is suitable for local conditions.” Some of the disasters The emergency coordinator of the serious parish has activated volunteers for rescue and recovery operations. Although as of September 8, the mobile phone interruption rate in the affected areas was 3.7% and recovered quickly, more than 30 parishes were still affected by the storm. According to reports, as of September 8, all 911 systems have been put into use.

The Louisiana ARES emergency network is now on standby. "If necessary, the network will operate at 7.255 MHz from 2 pm to 6 pm on the CDT and 3.878 MHz from 6 pm to 10 pm on CDT," Coleman's report said. The Louisiana Transportation Network operates 7 days a week at 6 pm CDT, with a frequency of 3.910 MHz.

ARRL headquarters shipped the ham aid kit to District 3 of Louisiana for them to use in their restoration work. District 3 Regional Emergency Coordinator (DEC) Miriam Barrett, KG5BNH and St. Mary Parish Emergency Coordinator Jacki Price, KA5LMZ coordinated their efforts to assist the Terrebonne Diocese’s Committee on Aging. The Ham Aid kit includes equipment for HF, VHF and UHF, including handheld transceivers and "base station" antennas.

The W5RAR VHF repeater (146.805 MHz) was used in four parishes-La Fourche, St. Charles, St. John and Terrebonne. The area suffered severe wireless system damage and St. John Parish’s 911 system outage. St. Charles Emergency The action center is sending a request to WB5LHS through the LWARN 440-MHz link repeater system.

A communications team supporting the relief of the Florida Baptist Church established a business in the communications trailer of the Metairie Baptist Church. The Jefferson Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and DEC Nick Frederick, W4NDF, Kenner City EOC and Mary Vernoy, and WB5IOE assisted in maintaining the VHF network. Kennametal's fiber optic cable that provided the Internet was cut by Entergy so that it could access one of the lines for repairs. This left "two unstable cell phones and a VHF network" as the only communication between Kenner and Jefferson Parish. Vernoy had to climb on the roof of the EOC to pick up the 2-meter antenna that was blown down by the wind. The arrival of the Baptist church team from Florida made her cheer.

Gordon Gibby of KX4Z reported that although electricity was restored in the area around the hospital, Metairie was hit hard and issued notices of power outages and boiling water. "Ham can bring great benefits by cooperating with organizations like Florida Baptist Church and working hard to meet their specific communication needs," said Gibby, who has connections with the Florida organization and drove over from Florida to help out for a day. He said that the ham "embedded" the volunteer organization to some extent.

A report from the Diocese of Tangipahoa stated that as weather conditions deteriorated on August 29 (the day when Hurricane Ida made landfall), the local repeater lost power and continued to use spare batteries. When a tower collapsed, two repeaters were lost. The official weather network is not just used to save electricity for emergency transmissions. As of September 6, both WB5NET and W5TEO repeaters maintain battery pack power and save power.

Elmer Tatum of N5EKF reported that as of September 8th, all repeaters in Ascension Diocese 2 were off-air, and two of them (145.31 and 146.985 repeaters) continued to be damaged. 147.225 The repeater has no power. Two radio amateurs at the State Emergency Operations Center worked continuously for the EOC for approximately 20 hours. Tatum relieved them of their duties on Monday, August 30, and delivered "quite a lot of news" to the St. Charles EOC via 146.805 and 444.350 repeaters, including a request for an ambulance. Some diocesan emergency operations centers transmit traffic via VHF simplex.

ARES 2 District Assistant Emergency Coordinator Michael Nolan (KD5MLD) reported that the four goals of District 2 were achieved during the storm, all involving major challenges. These include establishing amateur radio communications with the state EOC, the EOC in District 2 and the American Red Cross; requiring the implementation of an auxiliary communications rapid response team to assist service agencies; advocating to the parish EOC the value of real-time status reports for radio amateurs operating at home, And educate amateur radio emergency operators to integrate into their service organization before activation. — Thanks to James Coleman, AI5B, Emergency Coordinator, ARES Section, Louisiana

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